Topics Related to Enzymatic Detergents
Detergents and Disinfectants
When you’ve done repairs, service and provided discounted high-quality consumables for medical devices as long as we have it’s easy to know the products to recommend and best options for our customers when it comes to detergents and disinfectants.
The items you’ll find above are some of the best Detergents and Disinfectants that MedService Repair recommends and offers at prices so low that you have to be a member to view the prices. Fortunately, becoming a member and logging in is easy to do. Just use the “Account” icon on the top right of this page to create an account.
Because products of this type are consumables that your practice will be regularly using it makes sense to find a resource that can provide them at the lowest possible prices without sacrificing quality. By doing so you’ll reduce your practice’s overhead giving your medical practice an advantage over others.
Our Enzymatic cleaners, typically referred to as enzymatic detergents when used in relationship with Endoscopy, are used to assist with the cleaning and decontamination of medical devices and other medical equipment. These detergents contain surfactants that are utilized to lift and remove soils from medical devices very effectively.
Some of the detergents we carry are Sani Prozyme, EmPower Dual-Enzymatic Detergent, Endozyme® AW Plus and Bio-Clean. Click on the Enzymatic Detergent Link above to view more details about them.
We offer CaviCide and Caviwipes as disinfectants and decontaminants we carry as well. Click on the “Disinfectant / Decontaminant link above to view more details about those.