AER Machines - Some Considerations


So if you're one of the busier endoscopy facilities there's a lot of things to think about when selecting an AER. And while no one will be better than you at understanding your needs for your office and specific patient needs here's some things to consider if you're in the market for one.

The quality of the machine and its capabilities are critically important and a couple of the top factors on the list. But by buying one of the leading manufacturers automatic endoscope reprocessor machines you're all but assuring yourself that you've handled those two factors.

Another factor which is critical if time matters is the speed of the reprocessor you're considering. You definitely should add that to your comparison list. Reprocessing of endoscopes is typically a highly labor intensive task with manual cleaning followed by a high-level disinfection utilizing an AER (Automated Endoscope Reprocessor). But there are AERs that have implemented strategies to be faster and some that can double throughput. Consider the Medivators DSD Edge™. This AER takes this speed to another level. The DSD Edge™ has two fully-independent asynchronous reprocessing basins doubling the endoscope throughput and potentially doubling the amount of patient procedures you can schedule increasing your revenue significantly if used efficiently.

Add to this that the DSD Edge™ is not just quick, but has one of the fastest turn-around times in the industry and you may end up loving this machine. You'll spend as little as 25 minutes waiting for a full turn-around.

Even the cool down times are shorter than you may be used to. The cool down times are shortened by using Rapidcide™ which has a low disinfectant temperature thereby shortening the endoscope cool down times.

Speed is therefore a critical factor that should not be overlooked when considering which AER to purchase for your office.

You may even want to consider a refurbished AER machine by Medivators™. The units we refurbish typically sell extremely fast and are very high quality. Take a look today.
What is an AER (Automated Endoscrope Reprocessor)
When to Replace an AER Filter

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