AER Preventative Maintenance Service

 It might seem like common sense that Preventative Maintenance on AERs is critical, but many companies don't think about, take the time, or have the time to implement it. That's where companies like MedService Repair can help. We offer preventive maintenance services and maintenance kits to make this essential task as easy as possible for you no matter what brand of AER your office is currently using. Automated Endoscope Reprocessers are used in the healthcare industry where gastroenterology and surgical departments perform endoscopic procedures regularly. AERs are critical to the cleanin...

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  885 Hits

ASP Preventative Maintenance (ASP AER)

The ASP AER (Automated Endoscope Reprocessor) system is an extremely critical and valuable piece of equipment to the healthcare industry. Facilities that use endoscopes would typically know this first hand. An AER cleans and disinfects endoscopes post use increasing safety levels for patients and making your medical facility operate more efficiently. For an AER to continue to run properly, extend its life expectancy and to keep it cost effective preventative maintenance is the key. Therefore, we thought an article that outlined some of the reasons that preventative maintenance makes sense incl...

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  916 Hits

Cantel Support | Medivators Support | Steris Support

 The first thing that should be mentioned is that "Medivators" is now "Cantel". It's a little confusing as the web site is still, but once on the web site the "Cantel" logo is on top with the quote "Medivators is now Cantel" next to it. So, there's an argument to made that this article should have been titled "Cantel Support". Or is it "Steris Support"? More on that later. Let's get into the "Support" topic. Cantel / Medivators is a company that provides support and medical device solutions in the field of endoscopy and infection prevention. While this is not their only lin...

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  1609 Hits

Medivators Service Choices?

No matter who the manufacturer is of your medical equipment, choosing the right technical support and service entity to assist you is critical. So is it better to go with the manufacturer's own service department or third party service offerings? Just as an example, let's say you're a small to medium size medical facility with a Medivators Automatic Endoscope Reprocessor that's due for a service or repair. Who should you call, Medivators customer service or a 3rd party service company? That's a loaded question with a ton of things to consider if you're willing to consider it. The easiest and m...

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  1975 Hits

Types of Endoscopies and AERs

AERs are used in both the dental field and medical field for cleaning instruments. But AERs for cleaning endoscopy instruments are more specialized and there are a number of additional factors to consider when trying to evaluate the best automated endoscopic reprocessor to use in your practice.  Endoscopy instruments are typically more delicate and complex than dental instruments. They require specialized cleaning and disinfection procedures to ensure that these instruments are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. As such, you will need an AER that is specifically designed and validated fo...

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  1530 Hits

Tech Support for Medivators Equipment

MedService Repair offers expert Technical Support for Medivators equipment. Our technicians have the experience and training required to assist you with almost any question you might have about your Medivators medical equipment. Whether it's for endoscopes, AERs (automated endoscope reprocessors), inspections, preventative maintenance or any related repair, we've got you covered.  Troubleshooting Medivators Medical Equipment If you're encountering warning messages displayed on the LCD screen alerting you to operational malfunctions, we can help. We've been servicing Medivators equipment f...

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  4438 Hits

Save 20% on AER Preventative Maintenance Kits

You Perform Preventative AER Maintenance Every Year... Why Not Save up to 20% on your AER Preventative Maintenance Kits? Now you can with Preventative Maintenance Kits from MedService Repair! MedService Repair provides qualified PM Kits for your Medivators Endoscope Reprocessors Medivators Reprocessor Model MSR PM Kit # MSR Annual Filter Package # Service Availability DSD-201 DSD 78400-722 MRF12-14 Day or MRF12-28 Day On-SiteDSD EDGEDSD 78401-176MRF12-EDGEOn-SiteAdvantage PlusADV 78400-776ADV12On-SiteCER-1 / CER-2CER-MV-PMMRF12-MVMSR Depot w/ Loaner MedService Repair Offers Discounted PM Kits ...

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  3195 Hits

CER OPTIMA™ Installation Overview

Why Choose the CER OPTIMA™? The CER-1 and CER-2 OPTIMA™ are well known for their compact footprint and their fast and convenient processing. Made by one of the industry leaders, Medivators® / CANTEL®, this unit with its multiple configurations has become an extremely popular solution for medical practices where space is a challenge but quality is of the upmost importance and cannot be sacrificed. The CER-1 Optima™ is capable of reprocessing 1 endoscope at a time. The CER-2 Optima™ is capable of reprocessing up to 2 endoscopes at a time. Both models are considered to be semi-portable syste...

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  2181 Hits

Compatible OEM Replacement Water Filters

When it comes to medical device reprocessing, endoscopy procedure products, infection control and prevention, Cantel covers almost all the bases. They have a longstanding stellar reputation for quality manufacturing and support of the products they sell. Medivators, based in Minneapolis, MN is now Cantel according to their web site. The logo on the website is now Cantel even though you visit to see the website. They design develop and manufacture a great deal of medical products related to endoscopy and infection prevention including replacement Medivators water filters for thei...

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  2163 Hits

Understanding and Resolving Advantage Plus Alarms: SCU Errors

MedService Repair is focused on sharing information with our customers to help them get the most out of their equipment. In an effort to help our customers understand their Medivators Advantage Plus Reprocessors, we are creating a series of bulletins to help customers understand and resolve common Advantage Plus Alarms. Please see below for a how-to-troubleshoot guide related to SCU Errors. If you have any questions about the information below or if you have an immediate need for Service, Preventative Maintenance, Endoscope Repair, Scope Buddy Tubing, Loaners, Filters, or other support for you...

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  3255 Hits

AER Safety - Grounding

There's numerous important factors with regards to the installation and maintenance of any AER that your practice should consider before and after your purchase. Typically these tips will apply to almost any automated endoscopic reprocessor, but please check your manufacturer's user manual for specific instructions for your AER. Today's tip is about proper "Grounding". While it's easy to take grounding for granted, you absolutely need to make sure that your electrical system throughout your practice is "properly" grounded. A properly grounded circuit helps protect your equipment, the rest of y...

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  1152 Hits

Endoscope Pre-Cleaning and Cleaning Tips

Each manufacturer has their own requirements and guidelines for cleaning and testing of the AERs (Automatic Endoscopic Reprocessors) they manufacture. And the manufacturers of endoscopes also have their own cleaning requirements set forth. It's important that you read the manuals for the specific AER and endoscopes you have purchased to make sure you are following the procedures set forth for your specific equipment. Endoscopes are extremely complicated devices that are reused on patients and the risk of infection is high if not properly pre-cleaned and disinfected. There are so many places th...

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  1962 Hits

DSD-EDGE Alarm: Low Chamber Alarms | How to Resolve

MedService Repair is focused on sharing information with our customers to help them get the most out of their equipment. In an effort to help our customers understand their Medivators DSD-EDGE Reprocessors, we are creating a series of bulletins to help customers understand and resolve DSD-EDGE Alarms. Please see below for a how-to-troubleshoot guide related to Low Chamber Alarms. If you have any questions about the steps below or if you have an immediate need for Service, Loaners, AER Filters, Preventative Maintenance or other support for your Endoscope Reprocessor please contact us at th...

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  2717 Hits

DSD-EDGE Alarm: No Fluid Flow Alarm | How to Resolve

MedService Repair is focused on sharing information with our customers to help them get the most out of their equipment. In an effort to help our customers understand their Medivators DSD-EDGE Reprocessors, we are creating a series of bulletins to help customers understand and resolve DSD-EDGE Alarms. Please see below for a how-to-troubleshoot guide related to No Fluid Flow Alarm. If you have any questions about the steps below or if you have an immediate need for Service, Loaners, AER Filters, or other support for your Endoscope Reprocessor please contact us at the contact details below.MedSe...

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  2498 Hits

DSD-201 Alarms: No Fluid Flow | How to Resolve

Understanding and Resolving DSD-201 Alarms: No Fluid Flow GI Professional, MedService Repair is focused on sharing information with our customers to help them get the most out of their equipment. In an effort to help our customers understand their Medivators DSD-201, we are creating a series of bulletins to help customers understand and resolve DSD-201 Alarms. Please see below for a how-to-troubleshoot guide related to No Fluid Flow Alarms. If you have any questions about the steps below or if you have an immediate need for Service, Loaners, Filters, or other support for your Endoscope Reproce...

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  4339 Hits

DSD-201 Alarms: Low Chamber Alarms | How to Resolve

MedService Repair is focused on sharing information with our customers to help them get the most out of their equipment. In an effort to help our customers understand their Medivators DSD-201, we are creating a series of bulletins to help customers understand and resolve DSD-201 Alarms. Please see below for a how-to-troubleshoot guide related to Low Chamber Alarms. If you have any questions about the steps below or if you have an immediate need for Service, Loaners, Filters, or other support for your Endoscope Reprocessor please contact us at the contact details below.MedService Repair: Good H...

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  5261 Hits

DSD-201 Alarm: Low and High Dis Res Alarms | How to Resolve

MedService Repair is focused on sharing information with our customers to help them get the most out of their equipment. In an effort to help our customers understand their Medivators DSD-201, we are creating a series of bulletins to help customers understand and resolve DSD-201 Alarms. Please see below for a how-to-troubleshoot guide related to Low and High Dis Res Alarms. If you have any questions about the steps below or if you have an immediate need for Service, Loaners, Filters, or other support for your Endoscope Reprocessor please contact us at the contact details below.MedService Repai...

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  4784 Hits

DSD-201 Alarm: Basin Sensor and No Air Flow Alarms | How to Resolve

MedService Repair is focused on sharing information with our customers to help them get the most out of their equipment. In an effort to help our customers understand their Medivators DSD-201, we are creating a series of bulletins to help customers understand and resolve DSD-201 Alarms. Please see below for a how-to-troubleshoot guide related to Basin Sensor and No Air Flow Alarms. If you have any questions about the steps below or if you have an immediate need for Service, Loaners, Filters, or other support for your Endoscope Reprocessor please contact us at the contact details below.MedServi...

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  3317 Hits

Necessary Action Items: Preparing your Medivators Reprocessor Post COVID-19

Necessary Action Items: Preparing your Medivators Reprocessor Post COVID-19 GI Professional, For more than a month, facilities across the Country have been forced to delay needed endoscopic procedures. Federal, State, and Local Governments are creating plans to reopen the Country and some localities have already begun to allow elective outpatient procedures to resume. We at MedService Repair ( pride ourselves on living up to our Company motto: Good Health for your Patients. Good Health for your Practice. The following lists provide steps you can take now to ensure your...

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  2853 Hits

Lower Your Costs, Not Your Quality Filters from MedService Repair

While the COVID-19 pandemic is interrupting many of the daily functions of your practice, one set of items that are still costing you extra money are your Endoscope Reprocessor Filters. Even when you are not actively performing cases and reprocessing endoscopes, your filters are still going through their lifespan every 30, 60, 90, or 180 days depending on the filter. We at MedService Repair pride ourselves on living up to our Company motto: Good Health for your Patients. Good Health for your Practice. One of the easiest ways to reduce expenses for your facility, while maintaining high quality ...

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  1496 Hits