MedService Repair COVID-19 Update to Customers

With all that has been happening in the world regarding the COVID-19 virus pandemic, our staff at MedService Repair wanted to reach out and wish safety to your staff, patients, and families. While times are currently uncertain, we will get through this together. 

To assist you, we've created a Resource Guide for GIs treating COVID-19 patients and outlined Medivator reprocessor steps to prepare for the increase in procedures post COVID-19 below.

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Necessary Action Items: Preparing your Medivators Reprocessor Post COVID-19

Necessary Action Items: Preparing your Medivators Reprocessor Post COVID-19 GI Professional, For more than a month, facilities across the Country have been forced to delay needed endoscopic procedures. Federal, State, and Local Governments are creating plans to reopen the Country and some localities have already begun to allow elective outpatient procedures to resume. We at MedService Repair ( pride ourselves on living up to our Company motto: Good Health for your Patients. Good Health for your Practice. The following lists provide steps you can take now to ensure your...

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Resourcing for GIs Treating COVID-19 Patients

Please see below for a few resources for GIs treating COVID-19 patients. If you have an immediate need for Filters, Service, Loaners, or Other Support for your Endoscope Reprocessor, please know that we are still here and supporting our 1,400+ customers across the United States. The American Gastroenterological Association (AGA): COVID-19 Focused Website The AGA is committed to keeping the GI community updated as we learn more about COVID-19 and how it will take shape in the US. The resources are being continually updated and i...

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Lower Your Costs, Not Your Quality Filters from MedService Repair

While the COVID-19 pandemic is interrupting many of the daily functions of your practice, one set of items that are still costing you extra money are your Endoscope Reprocessor Filters. Even when you are not actively performing cases and reprocessing endoscopes, your filters are still going through their lifespan every 30, 60, 90, or 180 days depending on the filter. We at MedService Repair pride ourselves on living up to our Company motto: Good Health for your Patients. Good Health for your Practice. One of the easiest ways to reduce expenses for your facility, while maintaining high quality ...

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