Buying refurbished medical equipment like endoscopes and Automated Endoscope Reprocessors (AERs) can save you money and quite possibly the planet. But it requires careful evaluation to ensure quality, longevity and that you're meeting industry standards. In our previous post, we covered the basics of buying refurbished endoscopes and AERs. We touched on cost savings, quality assurance, warranties, regulatory compliance and more. Below, we'll be going into a little more detail on each of those points based on research on a multitude of authoritative websites on the topic. Some of those sources ...
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It's probably safe to assume if you're reading an article on our web site that you know what an endoscope is, right? From "an illuminated usually fiber-optic flexible or rigid tubular instrument for visualizing the interior of a hollow organ or part (such as the bladder or esophagus) for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes that typically has one or more channels to enable passage of instruments (such as forceps or scissors)" But do you know about their origins? We thought it might be fun to dig into just a few of the notable historical milestones of this remarkable device co...