What is an AER (Automated Endoscrope Reprocessor)

So what is an AER? It's a fair question as it's a mouthful to say. The short answer is an AER (Automated Endoscope Reprocessor) is used to reprocess endoscopes. But that's just turning words around and not really a good explanation. So let's first go over what "endoscopy" is so we get some context and a better understanding of the machines we're talking about. Endoscopy is a non-surgical procedure that allows doctors to examine and view the digestive system on a color monitor. The endoscope used for this procedure is a flexible tube that utilizes a small light and camera allowing doctors to vi...

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Disinfecting Protocols 101

So let's do a refresher on some of the recommended steps and precautions that must be followed to properly maintain and utilize an AER (Automated Endoscopic Reprocessing) machine. It may seem like a waste of time but there's some really great standards that have been set by multiple entities that can reduce your overall risk for patients of infections when operating these amazing machines. We'll start with a list of organizations who have created and established the professional guidelines for cleaning and disinfection of endoscopes. It's an industry best practice to develop your internal offi...

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AER to Fit a Small Office or Space

AERs "Automated Endoscope Reprocessor" come in many sizes, shapes and types to fit the specific needs of doctor's offices across the county. There's so many variables to consider when purchasing one of these amazing machines that you really should take some time to think through this completely. What if your office is small with very little floor space? Well you just ruled out a number of AER units that might fit other doctor offices perfectly. Fortunately for you Medivators / Cantel makes a compact automated endoscope reprocessor that might just fit your needs. The CER Optima™ AER, made by Ca...

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