Cost of Replacement AER Filters

Automatic endoscope reprocessing equipment can be expensive to maintain but short cuts are just not acceptable and can lead to a safety concerns for patients, staff and the businesses who use them. The detergents, cleaning tools and AER filters needed to keep your AER in optimum operating order can obviously be bought from the original manufacturers of these units. But sometimes those parts and products come at a premium price compared to other resources for such products. The cost of AER Filters, detergents, disinfectants and other related supplies have to be considered when ca...

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AER to Fit a Small Office or Space

AERs "Automated Endoscope Reprocessor" come in many sizes, shapes and types to fit the specific needs of doctor's offices across the county. There's so many variables to consider when purchasing one of these amazing machines that you really should take some time to think through this completely. What if your office is small with very little floor space? Well you just ruled out a number of AER units that might fit other doctor offices perfectly. Fortunately for you Medivators / Cantel makes a compact automated endoscope reprocessor that might just fit your needs. The CER Optima™ AER, made by Ca...

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