Best Scope Washers for Large Hospitals

Top 10 Best Scope Washers for Large Medical Facilities Patient Safety is paramount for all medical facilities. And automatic endoscope reprocessors (AERs), commonly known as scope washers, are an essential part of patient safety. But when it comes to purchasing a scope washer the requirements between large hospitals and smaller practices become quite significant. For this reason, we've created a current Top 10 Scope Washers List for large hospitals and medical facilities. We've also provided many insights into the factors that we 've considered in compiling this Top 10 best scope washers ...

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Medical Devices and the WHO

Medical devices are critical to the general public's overall health. They assist with the diagnosis, prevention and rehabilitation of many diseases and illnesses. And while the WHO (World Health Organization) may not be a typical resource you might seek out for guidance when upgrading your medical equipment, it does make sense to read about their role and impact with medical devices and some of the resources they offer. You may find their step by step guides helpful with the process. This is especially important when making sweeping changes or considering wha...

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  1770 Hits

Choosing an AER (Part 4: Energy Costs)

So here's a topic that may not be on the forefront of someone's mind looking into the purchase of an automatic endoscopic reprocessor; Energy Efficiency. We've already covered "Cycle time" in our prior article "Choosing an AER | Part 2: Cost Per Cycle". But cycle time also relates to and affects energy efficiency so it makes sense that we'd go into the energy perspective of cycle time here. All things being equal, any logical argument about energy consumption would include "the longer a unit takes to sterilize scopes the more it would typically cost to operate". But there's more to this equati...

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  1948 Hits

Choosing an AER

While it may seem like common sense, you really need to consider what your budget is prior to even starting the hunt for an Automated Endoscopic Reprocessor. Prices are all over the board as are sizes, options and features for endoscopic scope sterilization machines (AERs). As with all technology the price per feature and the feature's capability typically falls over time but the amount of features and their capabilities continue to increase while the size of units get smaller and more compact increases the machines price. That said, research you've done last year is sometimes meaningless for ...

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