Steris Scope Washer Comparison

Sterilization and infection control are critical in healthcare. And medical devices like AERs (automated endoscope reprocessors), or scope washers, are a key player with regards to these processes. Steris, as one of the trusted names when it comes to AERs, designs and manufacturers their product line-up to provide thorough cleaning and disinfection. So a Steris scope washer might be the perfect fit for your medical facility. But if you're wondering how Steris washers compare with some of their competitors, read on. In this article, we'll examine their key features, compare them with other lead...

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Best Scope Washers for Large Hospitals

Top 10 Best Scope Washers for Large Medical Facilities Patient Safety is paramount for all medical facilities. And automatic endoscope reprocessors (AERs), commonly known as scope washers, are an essential part of patient safety. But when it comes to purchasing a scope washer the requirements between large hospitals and smaller practices become quite significant. For this reason, we've created a current Top 10 Scope Washers List for large hospitals and medical facilities. We've also provided many insights into the factors that we 've considered in compiling this Top 10 best scope washers ...

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Best Scope Washers for Small Practices

 If you have a small medical practice that utilizes AERs (Automatic Endoscope Reprocessors), or "Scope Washers" as they are commonly called you may be wondering which is the best scope washer that will meet the needs of your small clinic. The first step is identifying a small practices needs. Small Medical Practice Needs Considered Space EfficiencyWhy: Small practices usually have limited space. So the footprint and required area around the unit to operate it comfortably must be taken into consideration. So our Top 10 list includes Scope Washers that take into consideration Space con...

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What is a Scope Washer?

In medical facilities, cleanliness is not just a requirement—it's a matter of life and death. And one crucial piece of equipment with regards to maintaining cleanliness is the scope washer. A scope washer, or scope cleaner, is a machine designed to clean and disinfect endoscopes. These instruments, used for internal examinations, must be spotless and sterile after each use. Without proper cleaning, they could become a breeding ground for bacteria and through cross contamination risk patient safety. This guide covers a number of topics that will help you understand more about scope washers and ...

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