SB Tubing: Why It’s Critical

Picture this: you're a hospital staffer, in charge of keeping medical equipment running smoothly. Among the gear you're working with today is the Scope Buddy—a very cool device that's become a best friend to anyone tasked with cleaning endoscopes. But today the issue isn't the Scope Buddy itself, but the Scope Buddy tubing instead. Let's chat about what these tubes do, why they matter, and how MedService Repair has your back when it's time to purchase them out. What's a Scope Buddy, Anyway? If you're new to the endoscope world, the Scope Buddy might sound like a sidekick from a Saturday mornin...

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Scope Buddy Plus VS Scope Buddy

So what's the difference between the Scope Buddy Plus and its predecessor, the Scope Buddy? Efficiency and reliability are paramount in the medical field. Medical professionals rely heavily on advanced equipment to ensure accurate diagnoses and in choosing the most effective procedures to treat conditions. The Scope Buddy and Scope Buddy Plus are two popular devices used in endoscopy procedures. They are designed to streamline workflow and improve results and outcomes. Both, the Scope Buddy and Scope Buddy Plus share the same general purposes but there are noteworthy differences between the or...

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DON'T THROW IT AWAY, WE WILL BRING IT BACK TO LIFE! If you have a Medivators / Cantel Scope Buddy, odds are that you love it. We want you to know that you have options for repairs and replacement tubing! MedService Repair provides full Scope Buddy support including Service and Replacement Tubing. The Medivators Scope Buddy is a fantastic flushing pump used by facilities across the United States. While many believe that the Scope Buddy is a consumable that cannot be repaired, the reality is that a Scope Buddy can be repaired. Why replace a Scope Buddy with a newer model that costs thousands of ...

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Scope Buddy - What and Why?

So what's a "Scope Buddy®" you ask? In a nutshell, it's described by its manufacturer as an "endoscope flushing aid". It's meant to only be used as an aid during the manual cleaning cycle of endoscope reprocessing however. The manufacturer also makes it clear that is not intended to manually clean endoscopes. With that said, the Scope Buddy® offers a simple way of achieving hands-free flushing of endoscopes during their reprocessing cycle. If you've ever manually cleaned an endoscope you know that it's not a simple task and the repetitive motions necessary to do the job well can present a long...

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