Service & Maintenance Strategy

The investment required in medical devices is huge no matter what manufacturer's solutions you've chosen. So, implementing a strategic service and maintenance plan makes good sense. For instance, let's say you purchased a DSD Edge AER from Cantel. (previously Medivators). The Cantel Service and maintenance department Is probably the first solution that comes to mind. Third party service and maintenance offerings might be your second thought and MedService Repair is here to help you in that regard. But there's a third strategic option that you might be interested in as well called "training". H...

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  1502 Hits

Steris System 1E Maintenance

System 1E Preventative Maintenance

We wanted to talk a little about the Steris System 1E. We'll be covering the basics on how it works and what things you should consider when choosing a company to handle your Steris System 1E PM (preventative maintenance). The Steris System 1E is used for high-level disinfection of medical instruments. It's obviously manufactured by Steris and has been an extremely popular unit. The Steris Corporation has been specializing in infection prevention and sterilization solutions in the healthcare industry for years now and clearly have a good handle on producing high quality medical devices. The St...

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  1689 Hits

Damaged Endoscope Tip or Lense?

HAVE YOU EVER SENT A SCOPE TO BE REPAIRED BECAUSE OF A DAMAGED TIP OR LENS?MedService Repair Tip Protectors are a low cost solution to reduce high cost endoscope repairs!MedService Repair Endoscope Tip Protectors: Superior Protection, Increased Infection Prevention MedService Repair Endoscope Tip Protectors are semi-flexible expandable mesh products (latex free) designed for the protection of Endoscopes and delicate surgical instruments during transport and storage. The clean, non-absorbing, semi-flexible expandable mesh offers the sensitive tip of medical instruments protection from both fron...

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  2960 Hits

Compatible Water Filters

Many medical practices across the country have made the large investment into an AER (Automatic Endoscopic Reprocessor) to further protect their patients from infections and run their offices at high efficiencies. But what you'll find out rather quickly is that there are some maintenance items necessary to keep your AER running like a champ. One of these maintenance items at the top of the list is the water filter they require, also known as AER Filters. The original manufacturers of these amazing AER machines would love it if you'd just buy all of your maintenance supplies like the water filt...

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  1256 Hits

Scope Buddy - What and Why?

So what's a "Scope Buddy®" you ask? In a nutshell, it's described by its manufacturer as an "endoscope flushing aid". It's meant to only be used as an aid during the manual cleaning cycle of endoscope reprocessing however. The manufacturer also makes it clear that is not intended to manually clean endoscopes. With that said, the Scope Buddy® offers a simple way of achieving hands-free flushing of endoscopes during their reprocessing cycle. If you've ever manually cleaned an endoscope you know that it's not a simple task and the repetitive motions necessary to do the job well can present a long...

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AER Maintenance Tips

We're focused on sharing information with our customers to help them get the most out of their equipment. 

For instance, in an effort to help our customers understand their Medivators DSD-201, we're creating a series of bulletins to help customers understand and resolve DSD-201 Alarms along with other helpful tips and trouble shooting techniques.

Click below to view our latest DSD-201 alarm tips. 

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  6260 Hits