Wassenburg Medical is Custom Ultrasonics

Custom-Ultrasonics AER

 Wondering where Custom Ultrasonics went to? You're not alone and it hasn't gone away.

Wassenburg Medical Acquired Custom Ultrasonics on December 31st 2021. All of Custom Ultrasonics activities and assets were assumed by Wassenburg Medical including the staff members.

Custom Ultrasonics seemed to be the perfect fit for Wassenburg as both have mission statements that were in alignment. Both focus on manufacturing and distributing high quality products having to do with infection control including endoscopic devices, instrumentation and other related equipment, components and supplies.

Both companies also served broad healthcare industry markets, especially those that offer endoscopy procedures as washing and disinfection and endoscope storage are two of the main products listed on the Wassenburg website.

Under their Product Solutions page in the "Washing and Disinfection" category you'll find the Custom Ultrasonics System 83+2, System 83+9 along with their Scope-Assist Flushing Sink.

The System 83 Plus 2 is still a "Custom Ultrasonics" product and is labeled as such even on the product itself and in their website description of the product.

"Wassenburg Medical Inc/Custom Ultransonics Washer-Disinfectors are stand-alone automatic endoscope reprocessing machines (AERs) …".

 So the Custom Ultrasonics System 83 Plus AERs are alive and well.

The System 83 Plus 9 is a similar story. The "Custom Ultrasonic" logo (sticker) is front and center on the unit itself. The dual chamber disinfecting unit accounts for all channels of the scope making sure that all the internal surfaces are reached during cleaning. This dual basin endoscope washer allows the technician to verify flow avoiding bifurcating the tubing. This design and technique used disallows liquids and air from taking the path of least resistance ensuring full disinfection.

The dual basin endoscope cleaning machine also allows you to clean multiple endoscopes at once. The system allows for up to 4 endoscopes to be cleaned a time increasing your practices efficiency a great deal.

Endoscope cleaning devices such as both the System 83 AERs have become the medical industry standard. They provide high-level disinfection for flexible endoscopes. With this in mind, AERs are a must have if your medical office uses endoscopes. The risk of patient infection without them is increased dramatically.

By adding the Custom Ultrasonic endoscope cleaning devices to Wassenburg Medical's line up of safe and controlled treatment and cleaning systems Wassenburg has established a well-rounded list of solutions including pre-cleaning, washing and disinfection, storage, transport and traceability.

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